Cullen Residence

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Alice Cullen 3 268 by Dale McCall
Sept 11, 2009 0:35:29 GMT -5


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Cullen Residence

Occupants - Carlisle, Esme, Emmett and Alice Cullen, Jasper and Rosalie Hale

A remarkable glass mansion built in a hidden pocket in the forest of Forks that runs down the highway and further back down the mountains. It is immaculately cared for by the beautiful Esme. It is framed with full size windows, making the surrounding forest seem even more a part of the house. The huge kitchen is one part of the house that is hardly ever used, except for when it is used to cater for the extravagant parties Alice throws for Belle.

Further away, is the cullen clearing; it is the biggest clearing in the mountains by far, completely hidden by pine trees, it is the perfect place for a young family of vampires to reside, as well as place a nice game of baseball during the stormy weather.
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